Why Install a Reverse Osmosis Water System?


Reverse osmosis water system technology is improving all the time and there are many compelling reasons both large and small scale businesses should consider their implementation. 

What Does a Reverse Osmosis Water System Do?

The industrial and commercial applications of high-grade treated water are almost endless when you consider what the process achieves. A reverse osmosis water system is able to remove a huge range of contaminants including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, dissolved salts, solvents, particulates and more. In an environment where purity is of the utmost importance, it is an ideal and highly cost-effective solution. 

Here are a few reasons why.

Helps Maintain An Expensive Plant

The use of purified water in a commercial environment can help in the reduction of mineral deposits and scale build-up in equipment like boilers. It can also help in the maintenance of filters and other accessories and extend their life.

Help Meet Quality Standards

The installation of a reverse osmosis water system in an industrial or commercial setting can not only help in the treatment and reuse of wastewater, but it will also go a long way in helping a business meet environmental quality standards. It’s important to be aware, however, that not all systems are equal and, in broad terms, the cheaper the system, the less effective it may be. 

It’s Easy to Monitor and Maintain

The reasons for using the purification process vary, but generally, it’s to remove contaminants like colloids and pyrogens from ground, waste, or surface water. Around 70% of the original is recovered after the process, and it can be effectively monitored and its performance measured. It is self-cleaning and requires minimal operator intervention, and when the membrane needs changing (every two to three years) there shouldn’t be any extended downtime. 

Chemical Free

The process uses high pressure to force the liquid through the membrane of the system, so it is completely chemical-free and able to produce almost 100% purity. It means no harmful chemicals need to be stored on-site and there’s no hazardous waste, which is a boost to health and safety. It’s actually one of the most environmentally friendly solutions. 

It’s Cost-Effective

Once the system is installed it is extremely cost-effective as it requires little energy to run – its main cost is that of electricity. The installation of a purification system not only saves on water surcharges (through treatment and re-use) but as good quality systems have a longer life than other solutions, replacement costs won’t recur as often.    

There’s Plenty of Variety

It’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to these industrial treatment systems and, depending on requirements, there’s a vast array from which to choose (some companies even provide bespoke solutions). They’re usually extremely easy to install, being of modular design, and just need to be fitted by a trained technician.

With industry and machinery developing at a rapid pace and available water supplies becoming less accessible, this kind of solution is becoming more and more mainstream.

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