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Shanka Prakshalana Yogic cleansing processes – Shanka Prakshalana Shatkarmas body purifications

Channel Title: Arogya Yoga School - Best yoga teacher training in rishikesh

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The Shatkarmas, also known as Shatkriyas Shanka Prakshalana, is a set of Hatha yoga purifications of the body, to prepare for the main work of yoga towards moksha.

The six cleansing processes are Neti, Kapal Bhati, Dhauti, Basti (Enema), Nauli, and Trataka. Sankhparchapan is a Yogic cleansing process. These kriyas clean the eyes, respiratory system, food pipe and tone up the abdominal viscera and the intestines. They also build up resistance to diseases, sharpen the mind and wash the colon.
