Tear Trough Filler: Erase the Signs of Aging

Tear Trough Filler

Tear trough filler is one of the cosmetic treatments used to reduce dark circles, hollows, or bags around the eyes. The tear trough is at the bottom of the lower eyelid next to the upper cheek. By age 20, we start sinking and look tired, sunken around the eyes, due to loss of volume in that area. Tear trough fillers were designed to plump up this area and give a fresher and younger look. The filler is typically manufactured from hyaluronic acid, which is naturally present in the skin. This acid absorbs moisture well, and therefore, it is even better at filling hollowed-out spaces. Some of the popular fillers available in the market include Restylane and Juvederm.

How does tear-trough filler work?

During the treatment, a specialist injects the filler into the tear trough. The procedure aims at augmenting the volume and creating a smooth transition between the bottom eyelid and cheek. It takes about under 30 minutes.

How does tear-trough filler work

How to do it step by step


The professional will evaluate the area beneath your eyes and speak with you about what you want to achieve.


A small needle or cannula is used for injecting the filler.


You would be advised on all the essential rules for the diminishment of swelling, such as the use of cold compression.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Tear Trough Filler?

Tear trough filler can work on any person who has hollowed or sunk eyes. But this treatment is not always suitable for all people. There are some candidates for whom it won’t suit well, mainly those having very thin skin and those that have certain medical conditions. Those possessing the following features are the best candidates:

  • Visible hollows underneath their eyes
  • Wants a non-invasive treatment
  • Practical anticipation of the outcome

For individuals experiencing tear trough due to accumulated fat in such pouches, filler treatment would not help. Surgery is also recommended for such conditions.

Advantages of Tear Trough Filler

Advantages of Tear Trough Filler

Tear trough filler has become in vogue because there are many reasons it can be preferred. And here are a few advantages of the same.


It is a non-surgical treatment. Therefore, no cutting and stitching is involved.

Fast recovery

You can return to most activities right away after the procedure

Rapid results

You’ll experience an excellent improvement immediately in the tear trough area.

Lasts for months

The longevity of the result may vary with the filler type from 6 to 18 months.

Elegant appearance

When done by a professional, it has an extremely natural appearance.

Risks and Side Effects of Tear Trough Filler

Risks and Side Effects of Tear Trough Filler

Even though tear trough filler is considered safe, some risks and side effects should be borne in mind. Most of the side effects are mild and short-lived, such as –

  • swelling,
  • bruising,
  • redness, and
  • tenderness; these may all resolve after a few days.

More severe complications may appear, especially due to incorrect performance. Some of them can be –

  • Lumps or unevenness: the filler does not settle in all cases properly, causing bumps.
  • Overfilling: Too much filler gives a “puffy” appearance.
  • Blood vessel blockage: very rare and a serious complication wherein the blockage of a blood vessel is caused.

To avoid such risks, one would have to select a qualified and experienced professional to do the job for him/her.

How Long Does Tear Trough Filler Last?

The result of tear trough filler is not permanent. Hyaluronic acid fillers break down slowly in the body, and the effect usually lasts between 6 and 18 months. The longevity of results often depends on the filler used, your skin type, and your lifestyle. If you like the results, then you may need follow-up treatments to keep the appearance. Consult your practitioner to schedule touch-ups before your effects fully wear off.

What Does Tear Trough Filler Cost?

The price for tear trough filler will vary depending on location, the professional’s experience, and the amount of filler needed. On average, it may range between $500 and $2,000 per session, and some centers may have packages that include multiple treatments. Tear trough filler is usually a cosmetic procedure. There won’t be any cost coverage from insurance. Be sure to ask for an in-depth estimate when you are having your consultation, so you are prepared at the time of treatment.

Pre-treatment for a Tear Trough Filler Procedure

Before getting tear trough fillers, here are a few things you might want to do:

Avoid Blood Thinners

Some blood thinners, like aspirin or ibuprofen, may increase the chances of bruising. These medications must be stopped several days before the date and only if your doctor recommends it.

Avoid alcohol

This also promotes bruising and should be avoided before the procedure.

Inform your provider

Let your doctor know if you take any medications or have any medical conditions.

Aftercare Tips on Tear Trough Filler

You could follow some straightforward recommendations after having the tear trough filler treatment:

Use cold compress

This will aid in the reduction of swelling and bruising.

Avoid touching the area

Do not rub or press on the treated area.

Remain upright

For the initial hours following the procedure, keep your head elevated.

Avoid strenuous activity

High-intensity exercise tends to aggravate swelling, so it is usually suggested to remain at rest for at least 24 hours.


The tear trough filler is a quick, non-invasive procedure that restores the hollows below the eyes, enabling patients to look fresher and younger. When done by an expert doctor, the procedure is safe. However, there are risks involved; always consult with an experienced provider so you can be confirmed whether tear trough filler is the right choice for you.

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